Those affected by locked-in syndrome are effectively cut off from the outside world. They’re paralyzed to the point where they can’t move or speak, in many cases, they might only have control over their eyes. Thankfully, technology might just use that remaining freedom to give these sufferers a voice.
UC San Diego researchers are developing systems that use eye tracking for communication. One prototype, EyeHome, would have you navigating a phone-like interface by gazing at different parts of the screen. You’d look one way to dictate a message, or another to catch up on social networks. Other elements could include specialized e-book readers and even eye-guided musical instruments.
It’s still early going. The ball only really got rolling after a scientist challenged his students to invent solutions last fall, and the UCSD research team just recently received $300,000 in funding to help make this effort a reality. Prototypes already exist, however, which suggests that locked-in patients may soon reclaim some of their independence.