An insect-like flying rescue robot that can bounce off trees and buildings has been revealed by its creators. Gimball has been developed to be used in situations that are hazardous to humans.
The robot is designed to be able to deal with crashes, and to right itself after a collision. Gimball has a protective spherical roll-cage, and is mounted on pivots to stay upright. The flying robot, which bounces off walls, moves in a similar way to a mosquito. Gimball was in part inspired by the way insects fly, co-creator Adrien Briod told the BBC.
"Usually robots need to move around obstacles, so we thought it would be interesting to allow it to sustain collisions," Mr Briod said.
The drone, described as "crash happy", was designed and built by a team in Switzerland at the Ecole Polytechnique Federerale de Lausanne (EPFL).
The robot was developed for use in disaster situations, such as entering a building on fire, or after a radiation leak. Normally flying robots are taken out of action by a major collision, but the designers did not think the problem could be solved by adding more sensors.
To keep Gimball lightweight, the research team decided to allow the robot to ricochet off obstacles instead.