The ruling by the European Court of Justice lets people ask Google to remove some types of information about them from its search index. Google opposes the ruling, which has led more than 90,000 people to apply for data about them to be scrubbed. One privacy expert was sceptical about the meetings, saying they had more to do with PR than open discussion.
The first meeting takes place in Madrid on 9 September, with the other six due to be held in other European capitals before 4 November. The meetings will be chaired and run by an advisory council Google set up in the wake of the ruling. The council includes Wikimedia founder Jimmy Wales, former privacy officials and ex-judges.
Google is seeking input from experts to speak at the meetings, which it said were being held to discuss how "one person’s right to be forgotten should be balanced with the public’s right to information". The ruling only affects searches done in Europe. It said the obligation to remove some information was a "new and difficult challenge" and it wanted help to guide its decisions about when to remove links to information and when to refuse.