Hillary Clinton Pledges Half A Billion Solar Panels If She Wins Office
Posted in Hardware on 27th Jul, 2015
by Alex Muller
Democratic presidential frontrunner also says she wants America to generate enough clean renewable energy to power every home within 10 years.
Age-related Macular Degeneration Patient Receives Bionic Eye Transplant
Posted in Hardware on 23rd Jul, 2015
by Alex Muller
The Argus II Retinal Prosthesis System is designed to stimulate remaining retinal cells, allowing them to obtain useful visual information.
In 2015 There Are More Than 7 Billion Mobile Cellular Subscriptions
Posted in Hardware on 23rd Jul, 2015
by Alex Muller
Globally, there are 3.2 billion people are using the Internet of which 2 billion are from developing countries.
SpaceX Reveals The Cause Of Last Month's Falcon 9 Explosion
Posted in Hardware on 22nd Jul, 2015
by Alex Muller
A failed steel strut holding down a canister of helium probably caused SpaceXs Falcon 9 rocket to explode shortly after liftoff last month, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk said.
Nanowires Give 'solar Fuel Cell' Efficiency A Tenfold Boost
Posted in Hardware on 19th Jul, 2015
by Alex Muller
Researchers make important step towards a solar cell that generates hydrogen.