

German Man Third To Be Completely Cured Of HIV After Stem Cell Transplant

Posted in Medicine on 26th Feb, 2023
by Alex Muller

The study demonstrates the huge progress made in the fight against HIV. The development of gene editing technology such as CRISPR could mean that the kind of stem cells transplanted into the Düsseldorf patient are able to be created in a laboratory.

Electrically Charged Hydrogel Could Help Heal Brain Injuries

Posted in Medicine on 26th Feb, 2023
by Alex Muller

After a 40-day period, the vast majority of those cells had survived, and some of them had differentiated into neuronal and neuron-maintaining astrocyte cells.

Electronic Bandage Speeds Wound Healing And Dissolves Into Body After Use

Posted in Hardware, Medicine on 26th Feb, 2023
by Alex Muller

Scientists are creating a new affordable, flexible electronic covering that not only speeds and wirelessly monitors healing but performs a disappearing act by being harmlessly absorbed into the body when its job is done.

Genetic Link Between Migraine And Blood Sugar Levels Confirmed

Posted in Medicine on 26th Feb, 2023
by Alex Muller

"Our findings provide avenues to develop novel treatment strategies for managing glycemic traits in migraine and headache patients, particularly increasing fasting proinsulin level to protect against headache."

Gene Linked To Leukemia Found To Decrease Insulin Production In Diabetics

Posted in Medicine on 25th Feb, 2023
by Alex Muller

"We have also been able to identify a gene that proved to be very strongly associated with impaired insulin secretion."