NASA assembles unprecedented scientific team to find out if we are all alone

NASA wants to find life outside the solar system, and it is putting Earth’s best minds on the job. The space agency said today that it is launching an interdisciplinary effort aimed at searching for extraterrestrial life, known as the Nexus for Exoplanet System Science (or “NExSS”).
The project will bring together a wide range of scientists, researchers, and academics to try to “better understand the various components of an exoplanet [a planet around a star], as well as how the planet stars and neighbor planets interact to support life.”
NASA said that since the discovery of the first exoplanet in 1995, it has found more than 1,000 of them, with thousands more likely to be similarly designated in the future. At the same time, NASA said, scientists are trying to figure out which of these many worlds are, at least in theory, habitable, and which may have signs of life.
“The key to this effort is understanding how biology interacts with the atmosphere, geology, oceans, and interior of a planet,” NASA wrote, “and how these interactions are affected by the host star. This ‘system science’ approach will help scientists better understand how to look for life on exoplanets.