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Breakthrough Discovery Of Signal Cancers Use To Hide From Immune System

Posted in Medicine on 1st Aug, 2019
by Alex Muller

It's hoped the discovery of this major signaling protein will lead to new immunotherapy treatments that increase the number of options that clinicians have at their disposal to help patients.

TESS Spots Closest Super-Earth That Could Be Habitable

Posted in Science on 1st Aug, 2019
by Alex Muller

As astronomers stepped up the search for planets around other stars over the past decade, they noticed that our solar system is missing the most common type of planet – the so-called super-Earth.

Association Between Liver Dysfunction And Alzheimer's Disease Found In New Study

Posted in Medicine on 1st Aug, 2019
by Alex Muller

"While we have focused for too long on studying the brain in isolation, we now have to study the brain as an organ that is communicating with and connected to other organs that support its function and that can contribute to its dysfunction,"

NASA Announces 19 Partnerships For Moon And Mars Enabling Technology

Posted in Business, Hardware, Science on 31st Jul, 2019
by Alex Muller

NASA has 19 new technology research projects for technology to enable Moon to Mars exploration.

Hydrogel Bandage Uses Body Heat To Speed Wound Healing

Posted in Medicine on 27th Jul, 2019
by Alex Muller

It closed wounds faster than other experimental healing hydrogels that were tested, plus it produced no inflammation or immune responses.

Intel Confirms Apple’s $1 Billion Smartphone Modem Business Acquisition

Posted in Business, Hardware on 26th Jul, 2019
by Alex Muller

According to Intel, the transaction means Apple will hold over 17,000 wireless technology patents, including both Intel- and Apple-developed innovations.

SpaceX Launches Used Dragon Capsule On Historic 3rd Cargo Run To Space Station

Posted in Business, Science on 26th Jul, 2019
by Alex Muller

Today marks the first time a Dragon has flown to the space station three times, but it won't be the last. Each of the next two cargo resupply missions; CRS-19 and CRS-20; will also be the third flight for their respective Dragon spacecraft.

Elon Says SpaceX Could Land Cargo Mission To Moon In 2021

Posted in Business, Science on 25th Jul, 2019
by Alex Muller

Elon Musk said that it may literally be easier to just land Starship on the moon than try to convince NASA that we can.

China’s Space Budget Is Nearly Triple Russia’s Budget But Far Less Than The USA Budget

Posted in Business, Science on 25th Jul, 2019
by Alex Muller

SpaceX developments will prevent China from overtaking the USA in space technology. Russia will continue to shrink in importance as part of what is happening in space.

Recent Climate Change Trends 'unprecedented' In The Last 2,000 Years

Posted in Science on 24th Jul, 2019
by Alex Muller

Natural variation in the Earth's climate can not be responsible for the current extreme increase in warming.

India Launches Chandrayaan-2 Lunar Landing Mission

Posted in Science on 23rd Jul, 2019
by Alex Muller

According to ISRO, the spacecraft is scheduled to carry out a series of engine maneuvers that will place it into a translunar orbit and is expected to arrive at the Moon on September 7.

New Research Suggests Gut Bacteria Affects The Progression Of ALS

Posted in Medicine on 23rd Jul, 2019
by Alex Muller

A new study, led by scientists from the Weizmann Institute of Science, has discovered a molecule secreted by certain gut bacteria could protect against the disease, while other species of gut bacteria can exacerbate the onset of symptoms.