Despite the fact that human brain neurology wires us to consume and prioritize negative information and fear, X PRIZE Foundation Chairman Peter H. Diamandis believes we have never been readier to solve the world’s most pressing challenges. In his talk released today from the TED2012 conference, Diamandis shares new ideas about how the breakneck speed of technology innovation will unlock an abundance of resources and productivity like no other time in human history. In speaking with Peter after a good night’s rest just hours after taking the stage at TED, he shared these thoughts.
We’re just 24 hours in after your talk at TED, but I am curious to know the early reaction you’ve received.
I was thrilled with how well it went. It is always nerve racking to present your ideas in front of thousands of the smartest people in the world. I received tremendously positive feedback and support. It was fascinating to hear people say "Are you a Peter or a Paul – an optimist or pessimist?" (referring to the TEDTalk of Paul Gilding, former CEO of Greenpeace, about the possibly inevitable sustainability crisis, also released today by TED). Much of the conversation has been around the fact that Paul and I actually did not take opposite sides. We both agree the race is on. But rather than assume it’s game-over, I feel that we are more empowered than ever to attack our problems.