

Research Aims To Develop AI Can Learn Common Sense From Animals

Posted in Featured, Reviews, Science, Software on 27th Oct, 2020
by Alex Muller

A prerequisite for training agents to use common sense will be 3D-simulated worlds with realistic physics.

Is Digital Learning Still Second Best?

Posted in Business, Online, Reviews on 22nd Jul, 2020
by Alex Muller

Benefits of digital learning include the near-instantaneous download of course materials-rather than printing and shipping books-and being able to more easily report grades and other results.

Coronavirus May Mean Automation Is Coming Sooner Than We Thought

Posted in Business, Hardware, Reviews on 22nd Jul, 2020
by Alex Muller

The coronavirus epidemic is presenting us with ample opportunities for increased automation and remote delivery of goods and services.

Astonomy's Use Of Data Sience Has Lead To Many New Minor Planets Spotted In The Outer Solar System

Posted in Reviews on 6th May, 2020
by Alex Muller

The discoveries were made by sifting through several years' worth of data gathered by the Dark Energy Survey, and applying new techniques to study objects that the survey was never intended to search for.

New Technologies That Will Change The Way Cancer Is Treated

Posted in Medicine, Reviews on 15th Mar, 2020
by Alex Muller

One type of cell therapy consists of taking immune T-cells from the patient and genetically engineering them to target a specific cancer antigen.