Google launches a deep learning course on Udacity

Posted in Online on 22nd Jan, 2016
by Alex Muller

Deep learning is an increasingly popular type of artificial intelligence which involves training artificial neural networks on lots of data.

Jurgen Schmidhuber Explains the Big Expectations of AI

Posted in Software on 19th Jan, 2016
by Alex Muller

'we can probably expect that once we have animal level AI, very soon afterwards we will have something like human-level AI and its not going to stop there.'

Apple Purchases AI company Emotient to read users expressions

Posted in Software on 11th Jan, 2016
by Alex Muller

Emotient presents themselves as 'the leader in emotion detection and sentiment analysis, which can be used to help organizations understand audience reactions.

IARPA wants human-like robot brains; at least, brain-like computers

Posted in Science on 8th Jan, 2016
by Alex Muller

IARPA is the far-future research projects arm of Americas intelligence agencies, much like DARPA is for the Pentagon.

Pepper is getting an AI boost from IBM's Watson

Posted in Software on 7th Jan, 2016
by Alex Muller

"In terms of hands-on interaction, when cognitive capabilities are embedded in robotics, you will see people benefit from this technology in exciting ways."