Expert calls for long-term blueprint for China's AI industry

Posted in Hardware on 30th Aug, 2016
by Alex Muller

In 2015, the global AI market stood at $127 billion, Tan said, adding the figure is predicted to reach $165 billion this year and to exceed $200 billion in 2018.

Artificial Intelligence will chomp down a chunk of Indias present knowledge economy

Posted in Software on 28th Aug, 2016
by Alex Muller

Artificial intelligence (AI) is capable of taking on tasks that require analytical skills.

Machine Learning is the engine that will drive Google's Future

Posted in Business on 26th Aug, 2016
by Alex Muller

More than 100 teams are currently using machine learning at Google.

A new machinne learning algorithm can be used to detect poverty from space

Posted in Software on 22nd Aug, 2016
by Alex Muller

Attempting to assist people living in poverty could be made easier using satellite imagery and machine learning.

How chatbots can help small business

Posted in Software on 21st Aug, 2016
by Alex Muller

Chatbots arent just for big name tech brands and retail; small businesses stand to gain plenty from them, as well.