Research showing why hierarchy exists will aid the development of AI

Posted in Science on 12th Jun, 2016
by Alex Muller

Connections in biological networks are expensive, and there is therefore an evolutionary pressure to reduce the number of connections.

Google's Neven predicts in 10 years there will only be quantum machine learning and no machine learning on classical computers

Posted in Software on 11th Jun, 2016
by Alex Muller

Google believes that quantum supremacy will advance its research in AI.

Deep neural networks to help identify, formulate advanced antiaging supplements

Posted in Software on 9th Jun, 2016
by Alex Muller

A collaboration to identify novel biomarkers of human aging through the use of big-data analytics and AI.

Would you trust a bot? Conversational commerce depends on it

Posted in Software on 6th Jun, 2016
by Alex Muller

As AI technology improves, the number of scenarios where a human needs to take over to answer questions will decrease.

Google's AlphaGo Will Now Compete Against World's Best Go Player

Posted in Games on 6th Jun, 2016
by Alex Muller

Though Ke is currently the world number one after beating Sedol to the title earlier this year, Sedol noted for his greater experience.