
Using AI to analyze drinking water for safety and quality control
Posted in Business, Software on 28th Oct, 2020
by Alex Muller
Water analytics startup Ketos has announced it raised $18 million in funding. It is part of a growing effort to use progress in AI to automate important parts of our lives, such as drinking water safety.

Googles Chatbase bot analytics platform opens to all
Posted in Online on 16th Nov, 2017
by Alex Muller
Called Chatbase, its intended to help developers better analyze and optimize their bots so they can improve conversion rates and accuracy.

How big data is beginning to change how medicine works
Posted in Software on 16th Oct, 2014
by Alex Muller
The hope is that big data analytics will help to make sense of seemingly endless streams of medical information.

Intels contribution to solving Parkinsons: big data analytics
Posted in Medicine on 13th Aug, 2014
by Alex Muller
The healthcare industry is where we truly believe the biggest opportunity lies when it comes to big data analytics.