
'Drastic' Antarctic melt could double global sea-level rise

Posted in Science on 31st Mar, 2016
by Alex Muller

Global sea levels could rise by more than double the current best estimate, according to a new analysis of climate change in Antarctica.

Lack of microbes in Antarctic permafrost dims hopes for life on Mars

Posted in Science on 22nd Jan, 2016
by Alex Muller

The unsuccessful search for living microbes in the permafrost of Antarcticas University Valley could spell bad news for the search for Mars life.

A giant chasm may rest underneath Antarctica's ice sheet

Posted in Science on 14th Jan, 2016
by Alex Muller

Researchers have found long cracks in the surface of the ice, which they believe indicates a huge underground canyon system.

Biggest Antarctic ice melt scenarios 'not plausible' claim scientists

Posted in Science on 19th Nov, 2015
by Alex Muller

Scientists say the contribution of a melting Antarctica to sea-level rise this century will be significant and challenging, but that some nightmare scenarios are just not realistic.

Loss of species biodiversity near melting Antarctic glaciers

Posted in Featured, Science on 17th Nov, 2015
by Alex Muller

Over the past five decades, temperatures have risen nearly five times as rapidly on the western Antarctic Peninsula than the global average.