
Antarctic hides extreme ecosystem

Posted in Science on 21st Aug, 2014
by Alex Muller

Scientists have pulled up thousands of different types of micro-organisms from Lake Whillans, a large body of water buried 800m under the ice sheet.

Why do so many nations want a piece of Antarctica?

Posted in Science on 23rd Jun, 2014
by Alex Muller

Seven countries have laid claim to parts of Antarctica and many more have a presence there: why do they all want a piece of this frozen wasteland?

Doubling of Antarctic ice loss revealed by European satellite

Posted in Featured, Science on 15th Jun, 2014
by Alex Muller

Continent shedding 160 billion tonnes a year, CryoSat-2 shows, just days after warning over western ice sheet's collapse

Global Warming Slows Antarctica's Coldest Currents

Posted in Featured, Science on 6th Mar, 2014
by Alex Muller

The deep, salty currents that carry oxygen and nutrients to the ocean depths have been disappearing over the past few decades.

Winter in the Antarctic Shows What It Will Take to Live on Mars

Posted in Science on 15th Feb, 2014
by Alex Muller

Concordia station offers the isolation and hardships explorers will face on the Red Planet.