
Robotic bees could take the sting out of Colony Collapse Disorder

Posted in Science on 10th Sep, 2017
by Alex Muller

Native honeybees, one of the most prolific pollinators in the animal kingdom, are dying off at an unprecedented rate from Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD)

Large-scale study 'shows neonic pesticides harm bees'

Posted in Featured, Science on 30th Jun, 2017
by Alex Muller

The most extensive study to date on neonicotinoid pesticides concludes that they harm both honeybees and wild bees.

Popular insecticide greatly reduces Bee ability to lay eggs

Posted in Featured, Science on 10th Sep, 2016
by Alex Muller

A new study has found neonicotinoids, the worlds most commonly used insecticide, cause queen honeybees to lay as much as two-thirds fewer eggs.

Action needed to 'future-proof' pollinators

Posted in Featured, Science on 10th Aug, 2016
by Alex Muller

International scientists are calling for action to "future-proof" the prosperity of pollinating insects, birds and mammals.

Bees suffer from pollution confusion, says new study

Posted in Science on 7th Jul, 2016
by Alex Muller

Bees look for flowers using their enhanced sense of smell, but air pollutants could be making it harder for them to sniff out possible food sources.