
Scientists say they may be able to control the parts of the brain which determine intelligence

Posted in Medicine on 22nd Dec, 2015
by Alex Muller

Researchers said that a clusters of genes found in brain controlled human cognitive functions from memory to attention and reasoning.

Compared with other primates, human sleep is short and deep

Posted in Featured, Science on 19th Dec, 2015
by Alex Muller

This unusual sleep pattern may have helped give rise to our powerful minds.

Life exploded on Earth after the slow rise of oxygen

Posted in Science on 19th Dec, 2015
by Alex Muller

It took 100 million years for oxygen in the oceans and atmosphere to increase to the level that allowed the explosion of animal life on Earth 600 million years ago.

Pulsed laser light turns whole-brain activity on and off

Posted in Science on 19th Dec, 2015
by Alex Muller

The study may guide deep brain stimulation therapies used for traumatic brain injury and other neurological disorders.

Scientists discover how cancer cells escape blood vessels

Posted in Medicine on 17th Dec, 2015
by Alex Muller

A finding that could help them develop drugs that inhibit this process and prevent cancers from metastasizing.