Nanorobots for Medical Use are About to Become a Reality
Posted in Science on 30th Aug, 2018
by Alex Muller
'We have developed nanocomposite particles that can be remotely controlled by a electromagnetic field. They function like extremely tiny robots that interact with biological cells.'
Artificial intelligence system detects often-missed cancer tumours
Posted in Medicine on 28th Aug, 2018
by Alex Muller
An artificial intelligence system designed to detect often-missed cancer tumours, thereby helping to boots patient survival rates.
Radar could make for less-biased heart checks
Posted in Science on 16th Aug, 2018
by Alex Muller
Using radar to monitor people's heartbeats, and the technology could allow for more accurate diagnoses of heart maladies.
MIT research points to autoimmune disease as the cause of glaucoma
Posted in Medicine on 13th Aug, 2018
by Alex Muller
The study found an unusually high number of T-cells present in the retinas of those suffering, suggesting the condition may have a previously undetected autoimmune cause.
Heart Attacks Ruled Out Three Times Faster with New Blood Test
Posted in Science on 12th Aug, 2018
by Alex Muller
Developing improved diagnostics that can quickly discern whether a patient has had a myocardial infarction or heart attack, is imperative.