
Digital Life aims to make a 3D scan of every animal species

Posted in Featured, Software on 3rd Nov, 2016
by Alex Muller

The team is working with zoos, scientists and other organisations to gain access to subjects for scanning, starting with endangered species.

Fighting Agings Diseases: Humanitys Biggest Investors Unite

Posted in Business on 31st Oct, 2016
by Alex Muller

Unity Biotechnology has raised $116 million more to fight diseases that originate from aging.

World's largest marine protected area declared in Antarctica

Posted in Science on 29th Oct, 2016
by Alex Muller

Delegates from 24 countries and the European Union have agreed that the Ross Sea in Antarctica will become the world's largest marine protected area.

Scientists Bring Sense of Touch to Amputees Using Neural Signals

Posted in Medicine on 27th Oct, 2016
by Alex Muller

By directly stimulating the nervous system, scientists have been able to produce realistic sensations to test patients.

World wildlife 'falls by 58% in 40 years'

Posted in Featured, Science on 27th Oct, 2016
by Alex Muller

Human activity, including habitat loss, wildlife trade, pollution and climate change contributed to the declines.