
$100 million investment to unlock the power of the human brain and make our neural code programmable

Posted in Medicine on 21st Oct, 2016
by Alex Muller

To our great detriment, we understand very little about the human brain.

First human clinical trial for nicotinamide riboside

Posted in Medicine on 13th Oct, 2016
by Alex Muller

Vitamin safely boosts levels of important cell metabolite NAD+, which is critical for cellular energy production and protection against stress and DNA damage.

Study Finds Alcohol Creates Effects of Fast-Acting Antidepressant

Posted in Science on 6th Oct, 2016
by Alex Muller

The effects of alcohol on depression take effect quickly and can last up to 24 hours, the study found.

Scientists uncover how a fluctuating brain network may make us better thinkers

Posted in Medicine on 2nd Oct, 2016
by Alex Muller

When the brain is more integrated people do better on complex tasks.

Plumes on Europa Might Confirm Suspicions of Water Beneath Its Icy Crust

Posted in Science on 30th Sep, 2016
by Alex Muller

Several missions are scheduled to investigate these findings.