
Carnigie Mellon will host its first Neurohackathon to solve human brain research goals

Posted in Science on 22nd May, 2016
by Alex Muller

'Getting these smart and creative young minds to look at neural data will bring 21st century tools and ideas to brain science research'

Life forms 'went large' a billion years ago

Posted in Science on 18th May, 2016
by Alex Muller

Life was already organising itself into large communities of cells more than a billion years ago, according to evidence from China.

Cells carry 'memory' of injury, which could reveal why chronic pain persists

Posted in Medicine on 16th May, 2016
by Alex Muller

Seemingly innocuous injuries leave molecular 'footprints' which add up to lasting damage, and ultimately chronic pain.

Cancer samples from dead patients sought for new study

Posted in Science on 15th May, 2016
by Alex Muller

The aim is to find out how tumours develop and spread and what happens during the final stages of the disease.

Dreaming brain rhythms lock in memories

Posted in Medicine on 13th May, 2016
by Alex Muller

REM sleep is the phase during which, at least in humans, dreams take place; The question of whether it is important for settling new memories has been difficult to answer.