Scientists Make Hemostatic Gauze That Reduces Blood Loss 60%
Posted in Medicine on 14th Feb, 2018
by Alex Muller
Scientists at the Chinese Academy of Sciences have developed non-blood-absorbing hemostatic gauze.
Stanford Cancer 'vaccine' eliminates any cancer tumour in mice and human trials are starting
Posted in Science on 1st Feb, 2018
by Alex Muller
The approach works for many different types of cancers, including those that arise spontaneously, the study found.
Cancer blood test 'enormously exciting'
Posted in Medicine on 19th Jan, 2018
by Alex Muller
Scientists have taken a step towards one of the biggest goals in medicine - a universal blood test for cancer.
Electricity Harvested From Rushing Blood in Bizarre New Study
Posted in Science on 11th Sep, 2017
by Alex Muller
Researchers report that theyve created a tiny fiber, thinner than a hair, that can generate power from the movement of rushing blood.
'Fat but fit' still risk heart disease
Posted in Medicine on 15th Aug, 2017
by Alex Muller
People who are overweight or obese are at increased risk of heart disease even if they appear medically healthy, experts are warning.