
NASA is making parking spots on the space station for commercial space taxis
Posted in Hardware on 20th Feb, 2015
by Alex Muller
The International Space Station is getting a makeover starting this week.

SpaceX and Boeing should fly manned crews to the space station starting in 2017
Posted in Hardware on 29th Jan, 2015
by Alex Muller
Spacecraft testing and increasingly complex flights will pave the way for missions during the next few years to the International Space Station.

American independence in space by 2017
Posted in Business on 13th Jan, 2015
by Alex Muller
The awarding of NASA's most recent Commercial Crew Program contract will see an end to America's reliance on the Russian Soyuz spacecraft.

Sierra Nevada Protest Halts Production Of SpaceX And Boeing Space Taxis
Posted in Science on 9th Oct, 2014
by Alex Muller
The Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) isnt going down without a fight; and it looks like theyre taking their competitors down with them.

NASA chooses Boeing and SpaceX to transport human crew on space missions
Posted in Hardware on 17th Sep, 2014
by Alex Muller
New contracts worth $6.8 billion for Boeing and SpaceX to build spacecrafts, rockets, and the like for NASAs commercial crew program.