
Brain cancer vaccine passes first phase of human trials

Posted in Medicine on 2nd Apr, 2021
by Alex Muller

A further phase 1 trial is already underway combining the experimental vaccine with checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapy, which is known to enhance immune system activity. The hope is the combination treatment will amplify immune responses.

Scientists Communicated With People While They Were in a Lucid Dream

Posted in Science on 6th Mar, 2021
by Alex Muller

Once aware, they can consciously control the content of their dreams, untethered by the rules and physical laws of the real world.

New cancer scan could guide brain surgery

Posted in Medicine on 4th Mar, 2021
by Alex Muller

Researchers believe that the new type of scan, which is much faster to carry out and more affordable than ‘gold standard’ MRI scans, has the potential to reduce a patient’s risk of relapse by cutting the chances that a tumour will grow back.

'Quantum Brain' Would Mimic Our Own to Speed Up AI

Posted in Medicine, Science on 16th Feb, 2021
by Alex Muller

We are at a state where we can start to relate fundamental physics to concepts in biology, like memory and learning

Changes noticeable in Brain fluid that are detectable years before Alzheimer's symptoms arise

Posted in Medicine on 11th Feb, 2021
by Alex Muller

A potential means to identify the earliest mechanisms occurring among APOE4 gene carriers that might contribute to Alzheimer's disease before people develop memory problems.