Musk launches company to pursue 'neural lace' brain-interface technology
Posted in Science on 28th Mar, 2017
by Alex Muller
Neural lace would help prevent humans from becoming 'house cats' to AI, he suggests.
A brain-computer interface for controlling VR with your mind
Posted in Hardware on 23rd Mar, 2017
by Alex Muller
The startup Neurable thinks its brain-computer interface will be fast and accurate enough for playing games in VR.
Vitamin D linked to autism prevention
Posted in Medicine on 20th Mar, 2017
by Alex Muller
Vitamin D plays important role in the development, and prevention, of autism, researchers at the Queensland Brain Institute, UQ have found.
Accelerated brain aging may be in your genes
Posted in Medicine on 19th Mar, 2017
by Alex Muller
Researchers have discovered a common genetic variant that accelerates aging in elderly brains.
Several tech billionaires are openly or secretely funding mind computer interfacing projects
Posted in Hardware on 18th Mar, 2017
by Alex Muller
DARPA says it is close to announcing $60 million in contracts under a program to create a high-fidelity brain interface.