
Human brain scanning used to correct robot mistakes

Posted in Hardware on 9th Mar, 2017
by Alex Muller

A new system from CSAIL uses EEG brain signals to detect if a person notices robots making a mistake.

3 Exciting Biotech Trends to Watch Closely in 2017

Posted in Medicine on 7th Mar, 2017
by Alex Muller

Even as political landscapes change, science and technology continue to push forward.

Tiny fibers open new windows into the brain

Posted in Science on 3rd Mar, 2017
by Alex Muller

'It can deliver the virus [containing the opsins] straight to the cell, and then stimulate the response and record the activity'

AI can predict autism through babies' brain scans

Posted in Science on 27th Feb, 2017
by Alex Muller

It could lead to an earlier, more accurate diagnosis.

Brain-computer interface allows fast, accurate typing by people with paralysis

Posted in Hardware on 24th Feb, 2017
by Alex Muller

3 participants with movement impairment controlled an onscreen cursor simply by imagining their own hand movements.