Study debunks consensus that math abilities are innate
Posted in Science on 2nd Nov, 2016
by Alex Muller
A new theory on how the brain first learns basic math could alter approaches to identifying and teaching students with math-learning disabilities.
A new imaging technique maps serotonin activity in living brains
Posted in Science on 1st Nov, 2016
by Alex Muller
Imaging technique that creates 3D video of serotonin transport could aid antidepressant development.
Neurons from stem cells replace damaged neurons, precisely rewiring into the brain
Posted in Science on 30th Oct, 2016
by Alex Muller
The transplanted neurons were fully integrated in the brain, showing functional properties indistinguishable from the original neurons.
Scientists Bring Sense of Touch to Amputees Using Neural Signals
Posted in Medicine on 27th Oct, 2016
by Alex Muller
By directly stimulating the nervous system, scientists have been able to produce realistic sensations to test patients.
Migraine sufferers have more nitrate-reducing microbes in their mouths
Posted in Medicine on 23rd Oct, 2016
by Alex Muller
"perhaps there are connections between what people are eating, their microbiomes and their experiences with migraine."