Accelerated learning from low current brain stimulation
Posted in Science on 14th May, 2016
by Alex Muller
"Students, employees, and athletes could potentially benefit, as could those with traumatic brain injury who have impaired memory."
Dreaming brain rhythms lock in memories
Posted in Medicine on 13th May, 2016
by Alex Muller
REM sleep is the phase during which, at least in humans, dreams take place; The question of whether it is important for settling new memories has been difficult to answer.
Thought-reading headset lets users speak their mind
Posted in Medicine on 12th May, 2016
by Alex Muller
Combining a wireless connected EEG headset from Emotiv and an assistive communication app, Smartstones is bringing speech to those who have difficulty communicating verbally.
Researchers develop electronic devices that can melt in the brain
Posted in Hardware on 10th May, 2016
by Alex Muller
Bioresorbable devices promise to help eliminate the risks, cost, and discomfort associated with surgical extraction of current devices.
Music improves baby brain responses to music and speech
Posted in Science on 8th May, 2016
by Alex Muller
'This means that early, engaging musical experiences can have a more global effect on cognitive skills.'