
Could a virus cause Alzheimers disease?

Posted in Medicine on 16th Mar, 2016
by Alex Muller

Alzheimers disease could be caused by viruses like herpes, a group of renowned dementia experts have warned, as they call for urgent investigation into the link.

New drug kills common brain cancer in children

Posted in Medicine on 15th Mar, 2016
by Alex Muller

While treatments are improving, success rates still lag behind other childhood cancers, particularly with an aggressive form of the cancer.

US Bets $100 Million on Machines That Think Like Humans

Posted in Software on 14th Mar, 2016
by Alex Muller

The government is pushing forward what is perhaps the most high-risk, high-reward project of our time: brain-like artificial intelligence.

Depression is more than a mental disorder: It affects the whole organism

Posted in Medicine on 8th Mar, 2016
by Alex Muller

This research is the first detailed work of what happens in the whole organism of people suffering from depression.

Zika caught killing brain cells

Posted in Medicine on 7th Mar, 2016
by Alex Muller

Zika was able to destroy or disrupt the growth of neural progenitor cells, which build the brain and nervous system, in lab tests.