
Google Decrees That it Has No Plans to Bring Fiber to the UK
Posted in Online on 20th Jul, 2014
by Alex Muller
Google Fiber has been a godsend for people in the US who have had to suffer through the perils of the ISP pseudo monopolies that run the country's broadband infrastructure.

Aircraft passengers to receive high-speed in-flight internet access
Posted in Online on 9th Jun, 2014
by Alex Muller
Satellite communications firm Inmarsat has announced that it is to deliver a new broadband service for airline passengers in the EU.

Wireless broadband can reach the moon, and maybe Mars
Posted in Science on 28th May, 2014
by Alex Muller
Thanks to a group of researches from MIT and NASA, this kind of connectivity could be within the realms of possibility.

South Korea's 5G speeds will let you download movies in one second
Posted in Online on 26th Jan, 2014
by Alex Muller
By 2020, South Korea plans to have 5G connections in place with speeds 1,000 times faster than existing 4G speeds.