
Virus improves bone marrow transplants, kills some cancer cells

Posted in Science on 7th Jun, 2015
by Alex Muller

Researchers have discovered that a rabbit virus can deliver a one-two punch, killing some kinds of cancer cells while eliminating a complication of bone marrow transplants.

Immunology Cancer treatment could replace chemotherapy as the standard treatment

Posted in Medicine on 3rd Jun, 2015
by Alex Muller

Immunotherapy treatments use the immune system to attack cancerous cells.

Lung cancer therapy is 'milestone'

Posted in Medicine on 30th May, 2015
by Alex Muller

A lung cancer therapy can more than double life expectancy in some patients, a "milestone" trial shows.

Sleeping cancer cells can 'wake up' decades later

Posted in Medicine on 28th May, 2015
by Alex Muller

Blood cancer cells can avoid being killed by lying dormant, sometimes for decades.

How Arctic ozone hole was avoided by Montreal Protocol

Posted in Science on 27th May, 2015
by Alex Muller

The Antarctic ozone hole would have been 40% bigger by now if ozone-depleting chemicals had not been banned in the 1980s, according to research.