
Pfizer partnering with Ido Bachelet on DNA nanorobots

Posted in Medicine on 17th May, 2015
by Alex Muller

If Bachelet's approach proves successful, and is backed by more research in the coming years, the teams work could signal a transformation moment in cancer treatment.

IBM's Watson artificial intelligence to speed up cancer care

Posted in Software on 6th May, 2015
by Alex Muller

IBM's supercomputer Watson will be used to make decisions about cancer care in 14 hospitals in the US and Canada, it has been announced.

Scientists identify novel drug mechanism that fights brain cancer

Posted in Science on 6th May, 2015
by Alex Muller

Researchers have developed and tested a molecule that has the ability to disrupt the body's regulation of cancer cells, causing them to self-destruct rather than multiply.

Blood test 'boost' in ovarian cancer fight

Posted in Medicine on 5th May, 2015
by Alex Muller

Regular blood tests can detect 86% of ovarian cancers before the point at which women normally would be diagnosed, according to a trial that could lead to national screening.

MIT is Developing an AI Cancer Diagnosis System

Posted in Software on 26th Apr, 2015
by Alex Muller

Diagnosing cancer is a depressingly common activity in hospitals, but spotting subtle variations in tumour types can require sifting through hundreds of previous cases.