
Analysis Reveals Global Warming Underestimated By 24% To 58%

Posted in Science on 7th Oct, 2014
by Alex Muller

Oceanographers have discovered the heat content change of the Earth has been severely underestimated.

Human-Caused Climate Change Fueled Some of 2013's Extreme Weather

Posted in Science on 30th Sep, 2014
by Alex Muller

The planet is warming and having an impact on some of the world's weather, particularly to heat waves across the globe.

Climate-Earth system computer model to be the most advanced ever created

Posted in Software on 27th Sep, 2014
by Alex Muller

Armed with high-performance computing systems, DOE national labs and partners tackle climate and Earth-system modeling.

UN Pledges to End Deforestation by 2030

Posted in Featured, Science on 25th Sep, 2014
by Alex Muller

Dozens of countries and companies pledged to halve destructive deforestation by 2020, and completely end losses by 2030.

UN climate summit: China pledges emissions action

Posted in Science on 24th Sep, 2014
by Alex Muller

China has pledged for the first time to take firm action on climate change, telling a UN summit that its emissions, the world's highest, would soon peak.