Neuroprosthesis to mimic, repair and improve cognition
Posted in Science on 19th Aug, 2016
by Alex Muller
The broad target market includes people with Alzheimers and other forms of dementia, as well as those who have suffered a stroke or traumatic brain injury.
Pain reliever eliminates Alzheimer's symptoms, in mice
Posted in Medicine on 13th Aug, 2016
by Alex Muller
Mefenamic acid is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, commonly used to relieve pain.
Drug 'may slow' Alzheimer's brain death
Posted in Medicine on 28th Jul, 2016
by Alex Muller
A drug appears to slow the brain's death and preserve mental function in patients with Alzheimer's disease, a study shows.
Imaging technique shows in living brain what was once only visible in cadavers
Posted in Science on 24th Jul, 2016
by Alex Muller
Scientists have developed and tested a technique that could revolutionize how we observe the progress of common brain disorders.
Neural networks: Why larger brains are more susceptible to mental illnesses
Posted in Science on 24th Jul, 2016
by Alex Muller
Large brains are more susceptible to certain mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and Alzheimer disease.