Centenarians 'outliving diseases of old age'
Posted in Medicine on 7th Jun, 2014
by Alex Muller
Centenarians have found a way to beat the common diseases of old age, such as cancer and heart disease, research suggests.
Alzheimer's research 'needs new strategy'
Posted in Science on 21st May, 2014
by Alex Muller
Brain cells in a dish may eventually replace animal research.
Mass memory and reasoning tests 'track dementia risk'
Posted in Science on 2nd May, 2014
by Alex Muller
A third of a million adults in the UK are to be invited to take part in the world's biggest study of cognitive function.
Avoid dementia when you're older by running when you're younger
Posted in Medicine on 5th Apr, 2014
by Alex Muller
Leading an active lifestyle in your 20s can lead to better memory and cognition later in life, researchers of a recent study say.
Protein Renewal Could Stave Off Alzheimer's
Posted in Science on 24th Mar, 2014
by Alex Muller
The renewal of a gene-regulating protein may be used to thwart Alzheimer's in aging adults.