Global Study Shows That The Leading Factors For Early Death Are High Blood Pressure And Poor Diets
Posted in Science on 14th Sep, 2015
by Alex Muller
The researchers found out that the risk factors have changed profoundly since 1990.
Can resveratrol really stave off Alzheimers disease?
Posted in Science on 12th Sep, 2015
by Alex Muller
Extremely calorie-restricted diets greatly reduce age-related diseases in animals. The hope is that resveratrol activates sirtuins to get the same benefits.
Gene Therapy May Be Our Newest, and Most Effective, Weapon Against Alzheimers Disease
Posted in Science on 8th Sep, 2015
by Alex Muller
Despite dedicating enormous amounts of time, money and effort to finding an effective cure, almost all new drugs have failed clinical trials.
Life expectancy climbs worldwide but people spend more years living with illness and disability
Posted in Medicine on 5th Sep, 2015
by Alex Muller
Global life expectancy has risen by more than six years since 1990
Google now offers search information cards on more than 900 diseases
Posted in Science on 3rd Sep, 2015
by Alex Muller
Google is making it possible for users to find out more about health conditions that may be plaguing them or their community.