700,000-Year-Old Horse Found in Yukon Permafrost Yields Oldest DNA Ever Decoded
Posted in Science on 25th Nov, 2013
by Alex Muller
The frozen remains of a horse more than half a million years old have given up their secrets, providing the oldest DNA ever sequenced.
Testing shows gene therapy shrinks an enlarged heart, improves heart function, human trials to start
Posted in Science on 16th Nov, 2013
by Alex Muller
Researchers have successfully tested a powerful gene therapy, delivered directly into the heart, to reverse heart failure in large animal models.
Depression 'makes us biologically older'
Posted in Science on 13th Nov, 2013
by Alex Muller
Depression can make us physically older by speeding up the ageing process in our cells, according to a study.
A Bio Patch that Can Regrow Bone
Posted in Medicine on 11th Nov, 2013
by Alex Muller
A bio patch to regenerate missing or damaged bone by putting DNA into a nano sized particle that delivers bone producing instructions directly into cells.
Light shed on how genes shape face
Posted in Science on 28th Oct, 2013
by Alex Muller
Scientists are starting to understand why one person's face can look so different from another's.