
A New Physics Theory of Life

Posted in Science on 23rd Jan, 2014
by Alex Muller

Popular hypotheses credit a primordial soup, a bolt of lightning and a colossal stroke of luck. But if a provocative new theory is correct, luck may have little to do with it.

Chemical process turns any plant matter, even trees, into biofuels

Posted in Science on 21st Jan, 2014
by Alex Muller

Nearly any plant material can be broken down into simple sugars.

Battery advance could boost renewable energy take up

Posted in Featured, Science on 20th Jan, 2014
by Alex Muller

US researchers have made an important step forward in the quest to store electricity from intermittent energy sources such as wind and solar.

Micro-windmills used to recharge cell phones

Posted in Hardware on 12th Jan, 2014
by Alex Muller

A micro-windmill that generates wind energy and may become an innovative solution to cell phone batteries constantly in need of recharging.

Researchers split water into hydrogen, oxygen using light, nanoparticles

Posted in Science on 18th Dec, 2013
by Alex Muller

Technology potentially could create a clean, renewable source of energy.