Elon Musk says humanity is currently running 'the dumbest experiment in history'
Posted in Science on 3rd Sep, 2015
by Alex Muller
'Given that at some point fossil fuel will run out anyway, why run this crazy experiment to see how bad it'll be?'
Solar propulsion can make space travel cheaper and more efficient say NASA researchers
Posted in Science on 1st Sep, 2015
by Alex Muller
Ever since NASA popularised the solar panel way back in the 1970s, solar has proved crucial to expanding our knowledge of space.
Principal Solar Teams with Entropy to Build 100MW Generating Facility
Posted in Science on 27th Aug, 2015
by Alex Muller
The 100MW facility, located in Cumberland County, North Carolina, will produce enough electricity to power approximately 20,000 average American homes.
Market Fall Masks Renewable Energys Bright Future
Posted in Business on 25th Aug, 2015
by Alex Muller
The MAC Solar Index, which tracks solar companies, has fallen more than 31 percent in the last three months. First Solar, SunEdison, and SolarCity have taken a market beating.
Worlds Largest Solar Power Station To Come Up In Madhya Pradesh, India
Posted in Science on 23rd Aug, 2015
by Alex Muller
If all goes well, the world's largest solar power station will start generating energy by March 2017.