Renewable energy at a turning point
Posted in Business on 28th Apr, 2015
by Alex Muller
Forming over half of the new energy capacity added in the world in the past 3 years, renewables have reached critical mass, lowering costs through technological innovation.
New material set to change cooling industry
Posted in Business on 13th Apr, 2015
by Alex Muller
The world refrigeration market is expected to increase by $7-8 billion by 2018. The breakthrough has an economic impact and an impact on the energy industry and environment.
Google Gets Into Battery Arms Race
Posted in Hardware on 11th Apr, 2015
by Alex Muller
Google has joined the search for better batteries to power its expansion into consumer electronics and other hardware.
Why Ocean Energy Needs Digital Technology to Create Our Power
Posted in Science on 11th Apr, 2015
by Alex Muller
Almost one third of electricity needs can be met by a predictable, renewable and yet largely untapped resource: ocean waves.
Elon Musks SpaceX buying $90 million of Elon Musks Solar City solar bonds
Posted in Business on 31st Mar, 2015
by Alex Muller
SolarCity, one of the worlds largest installers of solar panels, said today that SpaceX is investing in $90 million worth of its solar bonds.