
UK to Create World's Largest Marine Reserve

Posted in Featured, Science on 23rd Mar, 2015
by Alex Muller

The UK is planning to create the world's largest marine reserve in the South Pacific, offering unprecedented protections to the more than 1,200 species that live there.

Arctic Sea Ice Hit a Forty-Year Low This Winter

Posted in Science on 22nd Mar, 2015
by Alex Muller

The maximum extent of Arctic sea ice occurred early this year, and, at 5.61 million square miles, was the smallest in four decades.

We're Dumping Much More Plastic Into the Ocean Than We Thought

Posted in Science on 14th Feb, 2015
by Alex Muller

Eight million tonnes is like covering an area 34 times the size of New York's Manhattan Island to ankle depth.

Urban habitats 'provide haven' for bees

Posted in Science on 11th Feb, 2015
by Alex Muller

Flowers planted in gardens and allotments provide a valuable food source for bees across the year, according to research.

How changes in the Earth's orbit can affect the Antarctic ice caps

Posted in Science on 9th Feb, 2015
by Alex Muller

The Earth's orbit, while a concept that is light-years away, is hitting close to home, affecting the stability of Eastern Antarctic ice caps.