
We must cut greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050, says UK climate committee

Posted in Science on 4th May, 2019
by Alex Muller

The impact of global warming, which has already risen by 1 °C above preindustrial levels, is becoming increasingly clear. If we’re to avoid catastrophic changes, we must avoid going above 1.5 °C, the report adds. If other countries agree to adopt this target, there’s a chance.

Antarctica Ice shelf the size of France threatened by effects of climate change

Posted in Science on 29th Apr, 2019
by Alex Muller

According to the authors of the study, this temperature increase could intensify the rate of melting, and thus undermine the stabilizing pinning points that allow Ross Island to exert its influence.

Climate protestors in "Dippy die in" at Glasgow's Kelvingrove museum

Posted in Science on 27th Apr, 2019
by Alex Muller

Extinction Rebellion says it wants to highlight the "severity and urgency of the climate and ecological emergency".

Climate change: 'Magic bullet' carbon solution takes big step

Posted in Breakthrough Stories, Science on 4th Apr, 2019
by Alex Muller

A technology that removes carbon dioxide from the air has received significant backing from major fossil fuel companies.

Sweden to reach 2030 renewable energy goal in 2018

Posted in Science on 16th Jul, 2018
by Alex Muller

Sweden is on course to reach one of its renewable energy targets 12 years ahead of schedule, with wind turbines making a 2030 goal achievable in 2018.