
Researchers Achieve Fusion Energy Record
Posted in Science on 29th Dec, 2023
by Alex Muller
Researchers have exceeded the current record for generating energy from a nuclear fusion reaction.

Microsoft Signs Contract To Buy Power From Nuclear Fusion Reactor By 2028
Posted in Business, Science on 25th May, 2023
by Alex Muller
According to the Fusion Industry Association, 33 companies have raised roughly five billion dollars in recent years, and many are predicting that commercial fusion will be a reality by the end of the decade.

Why Fusion Ignition Is Being Hailed As A Major Breakthrough
Posted in Science on 18th Dec, 2022
by Alex Muller
With the new result from the National Ignition Facility, the world has, for the first time, seen evidence that the dream of fusion is achievable.

Researchers achieve fusion energy record
Posted in Science on 28th Jul, 2022
by Alex Muller
Researchers have exceeded the current record for generating energy from a nuclear fusion reaction. It’s a big step toward solving the world power consumption crisis.

Determining the age of stars with sound waves
Posted in Science on 8th Jul, 2014
by Alex Muller
One of the long-standing difficulties in astrophysics has been a way to accurately determine the age of a star.