
Test unravels history of infection
Posted in Science on 6th Jun, 2015
by Alex Muller
US researchers claim to have developed a single test that is able to identify past exposure to every known human virus infection, using a drop of blood.

An infection can affect your IQ even after it has been treated
Posted in Medicine on 23rd May, 2015
by Alex Muller
New research shows that infections can impair your cognitive ability measured on an IQ scale. The study is the largest of its kind to date, and it shows a clear correlation.

Gel filled with nanosponges cleans up MRSA bacterial infections
Posted in Medicine on 21st May, 2015
by Alex Muller
Nanoengineers have developed a gel filled with toxin absorbing nanosponges that could lead to an effective treatment for skin and wound infections caused by MRSA.

Smarter, cheaper technologies for improved point-of-care medicine in remote areas
Posted in Software on 12th May, 2015
by Alex Muller
Novel technologies offer simple biosensing required to provide healthcare in remote areas, where there is minimal diagnostic infrastructure.

The Ebola virus can 'live on in eyes of survivors'
Posted in Medicine on 8th May, 2015
by Alex Muller
Ebola can persist in the eye and lead to further damage.