Study suggests an even distribution of elements in the universe
Posted in Featured, Science on 29th Oct, 2015
by Alex Muller
The chemical composition of the Universe is well mixed, and that the mechanisms that determined the composition of our galaxy are in effect throughout the universe.

Japan wants to dig up the dirt on Martian moons
Posted in Science on 13th Jun, 2015
by Alex Muller
JAXA thinks the mission could launch by 2022. If it gets off the ground, the spacecraft would be the first to land on a Martian moon.

JAXA plans Japans first moon shot in 2018
Posted in Science on 19th Apr, 2015
by Alex Muller
JAXA has said it will use probes to study the possible use of materials on the moon as well as its environment, which could pave the way for future manned missions.

Japan Is Launching An Asteroid Mining Space Program
Posted in Business on 4th Sep, 2014
by Alex Muller
NASA and numerous private space companies have also announced plans for asteroid mining projects.

Japan Plans to Have a Power Plant in Space in a Decade
Posted in Science on 14th May, 2014
by Alex Muller
Japan, where the Fukushima meltdown heightened the search for safe, sustainable alternative energy, is answering that need by sending a power plant into space.