SuperAger brains yield new clues to their remarkable memories
Posted in Medicine on 6th Feb, 2015
by Alex Muller
SuperAgers, aged 80 and above, with memories as sharp as those of healthy persons decades younger, have different looking brains than those of normal older people.
Young blood appears to boost the longevity of mice and gets stem cells to start dividing
Posted in Medicine on 22nd Jan, 2015
by Alex Muller
Young blood seems to turn back the some of the effects of aging, potentially with few known safety concerns in humans.
Running 7 minutes a day 'halves heart death risk'
Posted in Medicine on 31st Jul, 2014
by Alex Muller
The research reported on today found people who ran had a reduced risk of death from heart disease, as well as death from any cause, compared with non-runners.
People Who Feel They Have A Purpose In Life Live Longer
Posted in Science on 29th Jul, 2014
by Alex Muller
We know that happiness can have positive benefits on health. Now research suggests that having a sense of purpose or direction in life may also be beneficial.
Complex interactions may matter most for longevity, not single factors
Posted in Medicine on 17th May, 2014
by Alex Muller
Complex interactions among diet, mitochondrial DNA, and nuclear DNA appear to influence lifespan at least as much as single factors alone.