
Earths water has been present since the planets earliest days

Posted in Science on 3rd Nov, 2014
by Alex Muller

Studies of meteorite samples known to have come from the protoplanet Vesta indicate Earths surface had water much earlier than scientists previously believed.

Martian meteorite yields more evidence of the possibility of life on Mars

Posted in Science on 16th Sep, 2014
by Alex Muller

A tiny fragment of Martian meteorite 1.3 billion years old is helping to make the case for the possibility of life on Mars, say scientists.

Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua

Posted in Science on 8th Sep, 2014
by Alex Muller

Residents reported hearing a loud bang and feeling the impact, which left a crater 12m wide and 5m deep. The meteorite seemed to have broken off an asteroid passing close to Earth.

Massive impact sent Martian meteorites to Earth

Posted in Science on 9th Mar, 2014
by Alex Muller

We've found over 100 meteorites here on Earth that originate from Mars. But how did they get here?

NASA Scientists Find Evidence of Water in Meteorite, Reviving Debate Over Life on Mars

Posted in Science on 2nd Mar, 2014
by Alex Muller

Evidence of past water movement throughout a Martian meteorite is reviving debate in the scientific community over life on Mars.