First map of core white-matter connections of human brain developed at USC
Posted in Medicine on 13th Feb, 2014
by Alex Muller
The map may help better address clinical challenges such as traumatic brain injury
DARPAs futuristic brain implant will restore lost memories
Posted in Medicine on 12th Feb, 2014
by Alex Muller
In case of brain injury, the implant would basically do a system restore, giving those memories back.
Strokes: Women sufferers 'have poorer life quality than men'
Posted in Medicine on 9th Feb, 2014
by Alex Muller
The US research, published in Neurology, assessed the mental and physical health of 1,370 patients three months and a year after a stroke.
A Simple Test Tells Seniors if Their Memory is Waning
Posted in Medicine on 7th Feb, 2014
by Alex Muller
With so few treatments for Alzheimers, seniors who may be experiencing loss of cognitive function often avoid testing for fear that they may have the dreaded disease.
Study Shows Autistic Brains Create More Information at Rest
Posted in Science on 3rd Feb, 2014
by Alex Muller
The study offers a scientific explanation for the most typical characteristic of autism, withdrawal into ones own inner world.