
How Scientists Are Learning To Shape Our Memory

Posted in Science on 26th Nov, 2013
by Alex Muller

The human brain has roughly 100 billion neurons and can store about 2.5 petabytes of information. But where you put your keys last night? The answer is always suspiciously unavailable.

A precise new quantitative brain scan measurement method

Posted in Science on 19th Nov, 2013
by Alex Muller

Can quantify the volume of specific brain tissues, a critical measurement of the progression of brain diseases.

Region of brain responsible for nicotine withdrawal symptoms identified

Posted in Medicine on 16th Nov, 2013
by Alex Muller

UMMS neuroscientist points at new target to help smokers quit.

Fashion Camera Brings Primate Brains To The Internet

Posted in Software on 15th Nov, 2013
by Alex Muller

How technology built for online shopping democratized primate brain research.

A few years of early musical training benefits the brain later in life

Posted in Science on 9th Nov, 2013
by Alex Muller

Adults who took music lessons as children but havent actively played an instrument have a faster brain response to a speech sound.