
Neuroscientists pinpoint the neurons that can tell faces apart

Posted in Medicine on 10th May, 2015
by Alex Muller

How do brains tell faces apart? Scientists have attributed this ability to 'face-detector' (FD) neurons, considered to be responsible for distinguishing faces.

Nanotech drug holds promise for treating Parkinson's

Posted in Science on 2nd May, 2015
by Alex Muller

A rapidly aging population places a new imperative on the hunt for medicines to control, or even to cure, such neurodegenerative diseases.

Scientists create 'ghosts' in the lab by tricking the brain

Posted in Science on 1st May, 2015
by Alex Muller

Neuroscientists have succeeded in creating 'ghosts' in the laboratory by tricking the brains of test subjects into feeling an unexpected 'presence' in the room.

Human Brain Inspires New Computer Memory System

Posted in Hardware on 29th Apr, 2015
by Alex Muller

Mechanisms involved in next-generation magnetic memory could be used as artificial synapses in a new type of brain-inspired computer.

Video Gamers Have Better Connected Brains

Posted in Games on 28th Apr, 2015
by Alex Muller

Action video gamers have more gray matter and better connectivity in certain subregions of the brain.